Tomb Empty Coffin

《Tomb Empty Coffin》

类型:剧情/惊悚/悬疑/   地区:大陆   年代:2020   导演:刘公子

演员:郑国霖 | 陈梦希 | 袁福福 | 吴名 | 岳冬峰 | 任逍遥 | |

简介: In the early years of Tiansheng during the Northern Song Dynasty, brothers of the Qi family, a tomb-making clan, triggered a "zombification" phenomenon when they dug a grave late at night. The elder brother died on the spot, while the younger brother went insane. Rumors of a murderous corpse spread through the population, terrifying the people of Gong''an County. The investigating censor at the time, Bao Zheng, received the shocking news of the death of his master, Hu Yong. Together with his bodyguard Zhan Zhao, they set out for the place where he had learned his art - Gong''an County. Only then did Bao Zheng discover that his master was the source of the "zombification" rumors. When the team entered the city to investigate, they came across a number of cases where the victims were skinned. Little did he know, the investigation into his master''s death would later lead to the case of a missing young girl, which had been dropped and forgotten for years.

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