
  • 加油啊李先生



  • 加油,李先生

    这是一部伪纪录片,电视台想拍一个预备导演拍摄自己第一部电影的纪录片,而炳宪(洪万彪 饰)就是这个预备导演。炳宪今年三十,热爱电影,自称生活中的吃喝拉撒都离不开电影。于是摄像机开始了观察炳宪的24小时,想看看他为拍摄第一部长篇商业电影都在做些什么。   然而炳宪的生活并不像一般导演那样忙碌的创作,他似乎为了灵感和不知所谓的烦恼任由时间一分一秒的流逝,而炳宪的生活如此普通,却代表了许多人的生活状态,自由而散漫……


  • 加油,李先生

    It is Byeong-Heon’s dream to become a film director. He starts to write scenarios to debut after quitting his production team due to his trouble with the assistant director. A television production team starts to film his daily life and preparation for a documentary film, but he turns out to be the epitome of laziness. He drinks every single day; it takes longer than 8 hours for him to wake up and get his computer to boot; for over an hour, all he does is to come up with the title and the right font design; and he returns to pubs. Beom-Su, who is ahead of his debut as a production director, Seung-Bo, who is also yet to debut as a cinematographer, and Young-Hyeon, an actor who had never had a major role yet, all wrangle over cheap alcohol every other night. Not only that, Byeong-Heon visits his ex-wife and the 2-year-old daughter and makes a mess every time he gets drunk. So the production team loses their interest and ends up calling for an emergency meeting.


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