
  • 三傻大闹加油站

    混血青年阿霖骑着一辆破摩托,来到一家偏僻的加油站加15块钱的油。因为看见老板送给前面的客人纸巾盒,所以也想让老板送个纸巾盒,但是却遭到了老板的一翻嘲笑和讥讽,不想把事情闹大的阿霖气愤离去。然而让人没想到的是,老板找回给阿霖的85块钱居然全是假币,这一下惹毛了阿霖以及他的两个好友彬哥和大辉。来大城市追梦的三人,已经到了没钱再追梦的地步,本打算驾车回老家,因此阿霖找来了这辆破摩托。现在阿霖即被老板嘲笑,又被骗走了85块钱。三人觉得受到了侮辱,决心教训一下加油站老板。 三人来到了加油站讨要被骗的钱,彬哥更是指着店里“汽油假一罚十”的牌子,让老板赔偿850元的精神损失费。但是老板却说加油站所有的钱都已经送回家了


  • 我来也与孤儿



  • Voraiya3

    A woman with a baby in her arms was chased by bandits. Wo Laiye came to rescue her. Before the woman died, she entrusted the baby to Wo Laiye's care and asked Wo Laiye to help look for the baby's biological father. Wo Laiye also abandoned the baby once, but his conscience couldn't bear it, so he finally found the baby back. Then the baby was sick and Wo Laiye had no money. Wo Laiye was at a loss, so he had no choice but to walk into a casino. In the gambling, Wo Laiye met Sima Junren, a man with integrity and superb martial arts skills. After being imprisoned due to a casino fight, Wo Laiye accidentally found clues of the biological father of the baby. After going through a lot of dangers, Wo Laiye finally returned the baby to his biological father. Unexpectedly, Wo Laiye was rejected and he was even involved in a shocking secret of the Sacrificial Spirits Party... Destiny connected Wo Laiye to the orphan and they were bound to each other. How will it end?


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